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Exposing the drug trade critical to curb crime

DA deputy chairperson of Gauteng, Refiloe Ntsekhe MPL, visited Windmill Park on Tuesday evening, May 19, to address the community on drugs.

She was accompanied by Ward 43’s Clr Bruce Reid and MPL Janet Semple, who also took the opportunity to share their views on how to deal with the drug scourge in a community reportedly plagued by hydroponic drug labs.

Speaking to the 23 people present, Ntsekhe said drug dealers need to be exposed and reported to the police, so that they are dealt with by the law.

“Drug dealers must go to jail where they belong; it is very sad that, in this country, we have few drug convictions, considering how these substances destroy our communities,” said Ntsekhe.

She stated that she understands the frustrations among residents, who always report drug-related crimes to the police, while their efforts yield no fruit.

“We know that the perpetrators get arrested today and tomorrow they are back into the community, apparently due to the alleged corruption among law enforcement,” she said.

“We are aware of cases where the police are accused of being in the take from the drug dealers, in order to turn a blind eye to drug pushers on the streets.”

Ntsekhe, urged residents not to give up, but to continue to take a stand against dealers.

“We must also demand the reintroduction of the Special Narcotics Unit in the SAPS,” she said.

According to Semple, the drug problem is spiralling out of control, with people even stealing from their own families to maintain their habit.

“Drugs are destroying our families, our communities and the country at large; we must all stand together against drug dealers,” said Semple.

MPL Janet Semple
MPL Janet Semple
Bruce Reid
Bruce Reid
Residents of Windmill Park are encouraged to report drug dealers to the police.
Residents of Windmill Park are encouraged to report drug dealers to the police.

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