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Sunward Park households show support for residents association

Members of 21 households attended the first AGM of the Sunward Park Extension One and Six Residents Association, at the Trinity Church in Sunward Park, on March 4.

The chairman, Kevin Townsend, said the ball for the launch of the association started rolling in 2013, when an ad hoc residents’ committee was formed.

One of the main drives of the association is the closing of certain sections in Sunward Park.

According to Townsend, a preliminary 70 per cent mandate was obtained from a total of about 300 households to support the process of closure and, to continue and formalise the closure initiative, a 66 per cent agreement by residents in the form of signed mandates is now required.

“Collection of the mandate forms is planned to be completed by the committee, with assistance from residents, in 2015,” he said.

Subsequent to the initial, positive response from residents, supporting the closure in principle, the Sunward Park Extension One and Six Residents Association was properly and legally constituted in February 2014, with the committee, comprising eight residents, as the founding members.

To date, a total of 110 households have joined and paid their membership fees.

The vice-chairman, Kobus Botes, said that, from the membership fees obtained, the committee was able to employ the services of a consultant company to conduct a Traffic Impact Study, this being one of the requirements by local government in the application for closure of the area.

A preliminary overview of the findings was then presented to members, since the final report was still being compiled.

During the past year the committee has also undertaken a number of additional activities, some of which relate to the administration of the proposed closure of Extensions One and Six, while others are aimed at improving Ekurhuleni’s service delivery in the suburb.

This includes a substantial electronic data base of signed up residents being established, along with a Facebook and a WhatsApp group, to further enhance communications between signed up members of the association. – @IschkeBoksburg

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