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Nyaope addicts desperate to kick the habit

A group of young men in Windmill Park are desperately seeking help after finding themselves addicted to Nyaope.

Nyaope is a dangerous mix of dagga, heroine, rat poison, ARVs, battery acids, vinegar and pieces of steel wool.

The highly addictive drug has invaded numerous communities throughout the East Rand, including Windmill Park.

According to the youngsters, a packet costs R45 a milligram and once you start, you become addicted.

Essop Era (26) has been using the drug for the past seven years.

“My friends introduced me to Nyaope and I got addicted after three days of trying it,” he said.

”From there onwards, I started to experience headaches, neck pains, my joints started to hurt and sometimes I felt nauseous.

“I have lost my job because of this drug and it led me to steal from home and shopping centres; sometimes I stand at traffic lights, begging for money just to buy the drug.

“I was chased away from home and I haven’t seen my son in two years, it is really hard for me.

”If I don’t smoke, I feel very useless; I feel like I have been through it all; I need help.”

Era added that he smokes three to four times a day.

Malton Adams (17) used to smoke dagga, but, after seeing his cousin smoke Nyaope, curiosity got the better of him.

“After trying it for the first time, it made me feel good, but after a week I was already addicted; I started smoking it six months ago,” he said.

“I am not working and not in school. I stand at traffic lights the whole day to beg for money.”

Adams said that when he doesn’t smoke, he feels like hanging himself or cutting his stomach open because the pain is unbearable.

“I stay at home, but it is complicated, they don’t trust me anymore.”

Calvin Hers (15) has been smoking since 2012, when his friends gave him what seemed to be dagga, but to his surprise, was Nyaope.

“The effects kicked in very fast, I began to steal at home, but most of the time I beg for money to buy the drug,” said Hers.

Siyabonga Ngwenya (18) has been smoking the drug for two years and, immediately after being hooked, he began to get sick.

“I was tired, feeling itchy and angry,” he said.

”I was doing Grade 10 last year and they kicked me out of school, because they caught me smoking Nyaope.”

Pastor Arnold Fortune, of the Christian Fellowship Church, in Windmill Park, who is trying to help the boys to kick the habit, appealed for help from the community.

“It is hard to convince them to stay clean; I can pray up to this far, but there is nothing further I can do for them. Any help is welcome,” he said.

Fortune may be contacted on 074 573 7175.


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