
Follow @ercrime on Twitter

The Caxton East Rand and South branch’s ER Crime Twitter handle recently reached 300 followers.

Members of the public are urged to follow the handle, because it allows the them to fight back against crime in their community, by reporting and being alerted to current criminal activity in the area.

Community members who have witnessed or fallen victim to crime are urged to send emails to, or tweet us @ercrime and we will share the information on our social media platforms and websites.

Details could include anything from suspicious vehicles, license plate numbers (must be verified), physical descriptions, dangerous intersections to be aware of (hijackings or smash-and-grabs), dog poisonings, theft or simply identifying law-breakers in our community.

Community members who want to stay anonymous will be.

For your latest East Rand crime news follow @ercrime on Twitter.

* Please note, this is a community awareness campaign and the usual procedure of contacting the police or emergency services must be adhered to. Crime is a serious concern and hoax tip offs will not be tolerated.

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