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Ebola: No danger as of yet; know the facts

The National Department of Health has reassured South Africans that the risk of Ebola being introduced into the country remains low.

There are a number of measures that have been put in place at South African ports of entry, as well as medical facilities in South Africa to identify persons at risk with fever from the affected countries.

Ekurhuleni is home to the continent’s biggest and busiest airport, OR Tambo International Airport, and thus, keeps residents aware of the facts regarding the disease.

“It must, however, be emphasised that the risk of infection for travellers to the country would be considered low and the World Health Organisation has not imposed general trade or travel restrictions either to or from Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and Nigeria where the outbreak is rife,” says Ekurhuleni spokesperson, Themba Gadebe.

The Ebola virus disease (EVD) is caused by a virus that prompts a severe illness, and human infections result from direct contact with the body fluids, organs and blood of infected patients.

The disease is not airborne. There is currently no vaccine available to treat or prevent the disease; however, an experimental drug is currently being tested.

Symptoms start within two days of contact with an infected person or body.

The early symptoms are fever, tiredness, headache and nausea, and then vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing and bleeding, mostly from nose and mouth are later symptoms.

“If after visiting Ebola affected countries you experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your medical centre and tell them about your symptoms and travel history.

“The potentially infected person making the call will be advised and may be sent to one of the health facilities designated to handle Ebola cases,” adds Gadebe.

In the meantime, health promoters at the city’s clinics have undergone a workshop and will be sharing information with communities and those visiting health care facilities. – @CarmenBoksburg

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