
Metro accused of wheelie bin overcharge

A resident has accused the metro of overcharging him for the 10 wheelie bins that are on his property.

The resident says a monthly amount of R2993.73 has been charged to his account for the past few months.

“I only have 10 bins on my property, and the metro sent out letters to residents saying each bin would be charged R109.42, which means I should be charged less than what I’m paying,” he says.

Acting metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe says the resident is not being charged per bin but per unit.

“The tariff charges are based on the number of units on the property, not on the number of bins issued. Presently the complex is charged for 24 units and our investigation reveals that there are only 20 units.

“The correct billing should be R109.42 multiplied by 20 excluding VAT,” explains Gadebe.

Gadebe says the Finance Department will be requested to adjust the tariff to 20 units instead of 24 units.

In a previous article by the Advertiser, residents thought that their R132 monthly refuse removal charge would increase and that they would be billed a further R109 refuse charge per month once they get their new refuse bins.

Gadebe said at the time that this was a misunderstanding.

“Previously residents were paying for refuse removal services based on their stand size. With the introduction of the bins, the service is charged based on the bin collection which reduces the cost to R109,” he adds. – @TumeloBoksburg

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