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Businessowners need to master time

Time is one of the commodities businessowners never seem to have enough of.

One of the consequences of this is that their families suffer. Those who are able to devote sufficient time to their families usually complain that they never seem to have the time to take on new business opportunities.

Whether it is time to take that long-awaited holiday, time to spend with the family, market or systemise the business; there is never enough time to go around.

The question is: How do successful people increase the value of their time?

The answer is simple: Successful people put a high value on their time. They don’t waste it. They realise that time is their most valuable asset, so they do everything they can to get maximum results.

In this article you’ll discover the top three tips on time-saving:

Time is money

This means that the things you know – your skills, talents, knowledge, experience – have value and that someone is willing to pay you for them. When you’re not fully utilising your God-given skills, talents, knowledge and experience, you are indeed wasting money.

Give yourself an extra hour each day

I have learnt very early in my life that when I’ve wanted to complete something that was very important to me, I would get up at 5am and work for an hour or longer before eating breakfast.

To get up early and give yourself an extra hour of uninterrupted time each day will ensure that your mind is bright and alert, and you will have a lot of energy, your concentration level is high and, most important, you’re highly motivated.

Do one more thing before you call it a day

At the end of each day, look at your daily to-do list and do one more task. The concept of making one more phone call or completing one more task before calling it a day helps further your career in many ways.

Get more things done during the course of the day, and you’ll have more time to chart your course, which means you can really accomplish your goals – the ones you’ve only dreamed of achieving.

Top time management tips:

* Set personal motivating goals.

* Don’t finish today until you’ve planned tomorrow.

* Don’t major in minor things.

* Create a default diary and stick to it.

* Invest time, don’t spend it.

* Have an agenda for all meetings.

* Learn to delegate to your team.

Think about this success tip: Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today, because tomorrow may never come, right?

Article compiled by by Elsa Groenewald – business coach and franchisee of ActionCOACH. She may be contacted on 082 321 7704. Questions can be e-mailed to elsagroenewald@actioncoach.com, or visit www.actioncoach.com/elsagroenewald.

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