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FOCUS ON BULLYING: Church is dedicated to child safety

The Northfield Methodist Church, in Benoni, has taken a stand against bullying by implementing the Protective Behaviour programme.

Hayley Walker, community life pastor at the church, says the aim of the programme is to equip children with the life skills they require to deal with bullying and abusive behaviour.

“Everyone has the right to feel safe at all times and this programme assists children in identifying a network of people who they can go to should they feel unsafe,” she says.

Hayley adds that the programme was developed in Australia and the United States and that the church is taking it around South Africa.

“Currently the programme is being implemented at the Nelson Mandela University, where those studying education will be taught to assist the children they teach.”

The church has visited a number of preschools in the Benoni area, to teach the children the correct ways of expressing themselves when they feel unsafe.

“We have seen a rapid increase in bullying and some of these incidents can be seen in children as young as three years old,” Hayley says.

Children normally start bullying for two reasons: a dysfunctional home or stress that render them unable to cope with their feelings.

Children often bully their peers to get attention, as they feel negative attention is better than no attention at all.

The church started the programme in 2012 and has visited a number of schools since.

According to Hayley, they have seen an improvement.

“Children now have the language skills to express to themselves, to their parents or teachers, if they feel unsafe,” she says.

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