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Armed robber caught in flight

The Boksburg police arrested four suspected robbers in Boksburg South for armed robbery, on Friday morning, December 20, within minutes of the crime being committed.

The four men with their fifth accomplice arrived at a scrapmetal business, in Boksburg North, and held employees at gunpoint, and stole an undisclosed amount of money, before fleeing the scene in a white Hyundai, belonging to the scrapmetal business.

An employee of the company along with a security officer gave chase to the speeding Hyundai.

While giving chase to the robbers, the security officer spotted a police van driving along the area, and they reported the matter to the police officers.

They pointed police in the right direction and after a chase, a car fitting the description was found driving fast along Jubilee Road.

The driver of the Hyundai lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the concrete fence in Parklands Estate, corner Jubilee and Barry Marais roads.

One robber managed to escape, but the others were arrested.

Items recovered include an unlicensed firearm, three cellphones, scrap metals, the stolen vehicle and other belongings.

The thugs were charged with armed robbery, hijacking, and possession of unlicensed firearm.

Other charges might be added later on.

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One Comment

  1. We witnessed this on Friday morning, what happened to the one robber who was shot from the bakkie? We saw him fall from the bakkie???? Why wasn’t this published???

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