Local news

Gas tanker tragedy: Four people still missing

37 people have passed away from the explosion.

As rescuers continue to search for missing body parts on the scene of the December 24 gas tanker explosion underneath the railway bridge in Plantation, the mood remains sombre.

The Advertiser visited the area on January 5 to interact with personnel from the provincial SAPS K9 Unit, Gauteng EMS and SARZA search and rescue teams.

They had not found any further human remains by the time the journalist left but remnants of the debris from the blast are still visible in all directions of the blast.

A sandal that likely belongs to one of the victims.

Two charred sandals, likely from some of the victims and burnt T-shirts were spotted on the pavement while flowers, candles and teddies left as tributes to the victims are strewn on both sides of the road.

Still reeling from the incident and with memories of that day lingering in their minds, residents from adjacent homes looked on unbothered as the rescuers went from house to house hoping to find remains.

The search extended from the residential area to the premises of Tambo Memorial and south of the bridge to Boksburg Lake.

A cap, likely belonging to one of the victims.

A SAPS helicopter assisted with an aerial search on the roofs of the hospital and nearby homes but nothing was spotted.

“We did a re-sweep of the area. It was done on the day of the incident but due to the heat, smoke and amount of people on the scene, the dogs couldn’t pick up any scent,” said Gauteng EMS spokesperson JP von Benecke.

He explained the latest search was prompted by the discovery of a foot lodged in a tree on Hospital Road on January 4 and confirmed four people are still missing since the fateful day that shook Plantation and its surrounds.

“We know they were on the scene. By information from eyewitnesses, we know they were here. Where they went, we are not sure,” he said.

Railway Bridge

Von Benecke explained they suspect the foot found in the tree belongs to one of the missing.

Residents finding it hard to accept

While the overcast conditions last Thursday may have been of great help to the sniffer dogs to pick up clues to help the search teams, the air in the area remained thick as residents are still recovering from the carnage caused by the blast.

Residents chose to remain in their yards while a few watched the search from their pavements.

One of the houses affected by the blast on Hospital Road.

Emotions ran high when one resident confronted the rescuers, complaining that his mother was in a state as the noise made by the helicopter reminded her of the explosion.

Another said her house will be a constant reminder of what happened that day.

Also Read: Tanker explosion: Benoni organisations help Tambo Memorial

Also Read: WATCH: Eight confirmed dead in horror gas tanker explosion in Plantation

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