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Women advised to go for regular breast cancer tests

Early detection is key when it comes to cancer.

Women were encouraged to do a regular screening for breast cancer at an awareness campaign in Mapleton on October 25, initiated by Dawn Park SAPS in partnership with other stakeholders.

MD/nurse of Eluthandweni Clinic Nonina Dube-Diphoko said women should regularly go for check-ups for cancer to be detected early.

“You have a good chance of survival if your cancer is treated early. People must understand that cancer is dangerous as any other chronic disease, so treatment can stop it from spreading and damaging a person’s body.

“There are different types of cancers and they all affect people differently. If you know that a lot of people in your family died from cancer or are affected by cancer it is important for you as an individual to go for regular cancer tests,” said Diphoko.

“Although not common, men can also get breast cancer. Men should regularly do prostate cancer tests. Lifestyle is a critical factor in the cause of cancers. Alcohol can cause stomach cancer and smoking is likely to cause lung cancer,” she stated.

Sergeant Basani Mehala of Boksburg North SAPS, who is a cancer survivor and ambassador, also reiterated the importance of regular cancer screening.

“I was diagnosed with cancer in 2014 after I discovered a lump on one of my breasts. If I hadn’t gone through those cancer tests I would have died by now. My cancer was already at stage three when it was discovered, but treatment helped me to survive,” said Mehala.

She added that going through cancer treatment is difficult, but it is worth it because it can save your life.

Also Read: Pageant finalist to host breast cancer talks for nighclub goers

Also Read: Early detection vital in fighting prostate cancer


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