
Mobile clinic returns to Delmore Gardens

The residents of Delmore Gardens were excited to see the mobile clinic.

The residents of Delmore Gardens were happy to see a mobile clinic finally brought back to their area, after this service was halted in 2018.

A resident of Delmore Gardens, Marge Hermans, said they have not had a health facility in the area for a long time and they were reliant on the mobile clinic for medical help.

“Delmore Gardens was established a long time ago, but we still don’t have our own clinic. Other areas, that emerged recently, already have clinics. What makes the matter worse is that the mobile clinic that did come to our area suddenly stopped coming.

“I would like to thank our new MMC of Health and Social Development, Clr Bakang Lethoko, for making sure the mobile clinic returns to serve us.

“However, today the mobile clinic only aided children and those with curable sicknesses, like flu. There was only one nurse at the mobile clinic today, but we hope the clinic will come back with more nurses next time, so the elderly and community members with chronic diseases can also be helped.”

Gertruide Fick (64), also a resident, said she is pleased that the mobile clinic is back as her granddaughter could again have her monthly medical check-up.

“I usually have to travel long distances to take my granddaughter for these monthly check ups, to Boksburg or Reiger Park clinic, which is time consuming and expensive.”

According to the community leader of Delmore Gardens, Charona Louw, the residents are living an inhumane life, because they have lived in the area without a health facitity for a long time.

“Sick residents have to wake up early to get to health facilities in other areas. It is worse for the elderly because they are fragile and have no nearby health facility,” concluded Louw.

Also Read: Vaccine rollout: Jabs now available at City’s clinics

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