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EG Jansen hockey player shares Holland experience

A dream come true.

Two years ago, Hoërskool Dr EG Jansen player Oratilwe Selamolela was searching for sponsorship to help fund a European tour, which could only make her a better player.
She was one of the few selected players for the specialised tour to Holland, which was then worth approximately R43 990.

Selamolela, now a matriculant, earned a scholarship from EG Jansen and joined the sport-proud school in Grade Nine.

Fast forward to now and she’s singing a different tune.

“It was a blast,” she recalled.
“It was my first time travelling outside of SA and just that alone was the best experience. I met so many amazing players and coaches. I even got to watch the Netherlands team play live, right in front of me, and met Eva de Goede, the world’s greatest female hockey player.

“We went to different hockey clubs and got to play against them. I do remember my team doing the best from the girls’ side and overall second best,” she continued.
“It was rainy season when we go there and it rained 80 per cent of the time. We would train and play in the rain but I love playing in the rain so I didn’t complain.”
Selamolela was so impressed by the Dutch nation that she would not need a third invitation to go back.

“The friendships I made with people all over SA and Holland will forever be close to my heart and I still talk to most of the people I met there.

“The overall experience made me want to go back. I learned so much and if the opportunity came up again, I’d go again!”

How the trip became a reality

“A few weeks after my interview with the Advertiser, I met Robert Marawa and had the opportunity to talk on Metro FM and Radio 2000 about my hockey career. After that interview, everything started falling in place.

“I got sponsors that helped me travel to Holland, the hockey capital of the world. I experienced a lot of new things and learnt so much just from those two weeks.
“When I got back to school, I was awarded the Senior Best Hockey Player of the Year award and travelled to Cape Town for indoor hockey.”

Also Read: Hockey star Oratilwe selected for specialised sports tour to Holland

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