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CGA approves Qhubeka Athletic Club

The time is now

Central Gauteng Athletics has approved the existence of Qhubeka Athletic Club, the brainchild of former Boksburg Athletic Club chairman Benzi Tenza along Maria Gumede and Hulikani Nyathi.

What the founders had to say amid CGA’s approval:

Benzi Tenza (founder)

“I feel fulfilled, it’s like a dream coming true for me; I feel I’ve responded to what the running community has asked for, I feel one will be bringing more energy to running at this club – so I’m very excited. We believe as Qhubeka AC that every athlete is a winner; we believe that the last athlete to cross the line is the last winner. So we’re going to recognise, acknowledge, guide and support everyone irrespective of the pace. Even the slower runners: when a person improves by one second, we’re going to acknowledge that as much as we acknowledge a person that always wins – that is our approach. We strongly feel that all athletes are equal; it’s just that they perform at different levels.”

Maria Gumede (co-founder)

“Qhubeka AC to us is an answer to a lot of sport/ health related challenges. Qhubeka AC above running will cater for people that are not interested in running at all but only want to walk, cycle, hike etc. Qhubeka is not a running club; running will be part of the sporting codes under the club. We are not in this space to compete with other clubs, but to enhance and close the gap wherever possible. There are so many clubs out there; we therefore cannot come in this space and not make a difference. We will level up in this game: we are here…siya Qhubeka (we’re progressing); we ‘go on’ in life irrespective of whatever challenges ahead of us. We aim at making sport part of a solution towards other health related challenges. Qhubeka AC is going to make it very difficult for one to find a reason not to be active in any sort of physical activity. We are here to level up.”

Hulikani Nyathi (co-founder)

“It’s an amazing and refreshing feeling indeed to be part of this venture. It’s also a welcome endeavour in the East Rand because the masses have been longing for something unique and different and Qhubeka AC will fill the gap and even provide more than the expectations of the people. In a space with so many running clubs in the vicinity, our aim of course is to develop further the sport by focussing on development and nurturing of up-and-coming future stars of South Africa.”


The approval letter from the sport’s governing body, drafted by CGA general manager Mandla Radebe and delivered to Tenza on November 9, read:

“Dear Benzi, please be informed that your club application has been approved. Your club is accepted as a member club of Central Gauteng Athletics. Please note that the approval of your club is subject to adhering to IAAF (world athletics) club vest regulations, which reads as follows: ‘Club name or sponsor may be displayed on the front of the vest/ leotard on the right chest. It should be rectangular in shape with the maximum size of 40cm and lettering maximum height of 4cm if printed directly onto the vest. The club name may appear on the back of the vest lettering a maximum height of 4cm, no restriction on width.’ “In closing, we would like to welcome you into the midst of Central Gauteng Athletics family, and trust that you joining us will be beneficial to our sport.”

The name of the club, which was not revealed pending CGA’s approval, revolves around not giving up and instead, encourages athletes to ‘level up’ as the club motto goes.

Qhubeka can be interpreted as to keep going, proceeding, to never stop, and to keep on keeping on.

According to Tenza, plans are underway to host the launch of the club at the Boksburg City Stadium on January 23 2021, but it’s yet to be confirmed.

For more information around joining the club, you can email Gumede at mariagumede.mgm@gmail.com.

View the PixzAR video (from the story photo) to see Tenza sharing the journey that led to the birth of Qhubeka AC.

Also Read: CGA to respond on new local athletics club

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