
Watch: Divine intervention for matric learners

Various speakers took turns to motivate and encourage learners to forget about their friends and parties during this period so they can excel in their final examinations.

The Department of Education Ekurhuleni South District held a valediction prayer session recently at Power of Gospel Church of Christ in Germiston for the matric class of 2019 who begin their exams today, October 23.

Learners from Villa Liza Secondary School, Windmill Park Secondary School, Leondale Secondary School, Buhle Park Secondary School and Grace Land Secondary School crowded the church hall and the top gallery.

Watch video as matric learners share study tips:

Invited guest Past Mike Makweya rendered a sermon and prayed for the matric learners.

Rally Tsoari, Ekurhuleni South District institutional development and support officer, said: “We organise sessions like these annually for our matric learners as an official send off for them before they write their final examinations.”

Bafana Fatyela from the Ekurhuleni South District lead the reading of the pledge with the learners pledging to do their best and not cheat in the final exams.

Past Mike Makweya shared a sermon and prayed for the matric learners from various schools in Ekurhuleni during a valediction prayer session 

The pledge is part of the Department of Basic Education’s effort to clean up the examination system and process which has been tainted by cheating and other shenanigans compromising its credibility.

ALSO READ: Grade 11: Three months, three flexes to set you up for matric success

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