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Principal sex scandal: Authenticity of videos, pictures investigated

Parliament's select committee on education and recreation is appalled by the reports of sexual videos

The former principal of Reiger Park Secondary School has hired a digital specialist company to investigate the authenticity of videos and pictures showing him engaged in sexual activities with learners, the director of the company, Kobus Swart said.

He added the principal had an open discussion with the company and denied that he had sexual intercourse with learners and staff members, as depicted in the videos and pictures which are making the rounds on social media.

“We have entered into a legal process to gather information for the purpose of the investigation,” Swart said.

“A team of investigators, who authenticate videos and images, form part of our specialised services and have already been tasked to verify the authenticity of the material in question.”

  • Resignation

Gauteng Department of Education According to the Gauteng Department of Education, the principal in question resigned in October last year.

A team from the department’s Psycho-Social Unit visited the school on January 29, following the alleged sexual misconduct involving the principal, educators and learners at the school.

The department claims they became aware of the shocking videos and pictures after they were sent anonymously to them on January 25.

Thereafter, the department’s HOD, Edward Mosuwe, conducted a meeting with the suspect, and that’s when the department subsequently discovered that he had already resigned.

“Despite the submission of a resignation letter, the principal was still serving notice and would be deemed to have either nullified his resignation.

“If he, however, persists with the resignation he would be deemed to have been dismissed since he was served with a notice of suspension prior to the effective date of resignation,” said the Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi in a statement issued by the department’s spokesperson Steve Mabona.

In addition, the department said the following developments have taken place so far:

• The educator has been reported to the South African Council of Educators (SACE) for his name to be struck off the educator’s roll;

• The Psycho-Social Unit debriefed learners and educators and offered necessary support accordingly;

• No sexual abuse case was opened with the police because, no learners or parents disclosed any incidents to the officials, sadly, learners depicted in the videos and pictures are no longer at the school, and they actually matriculated in 2015/16;

• Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit has opened an enquiry and the department can confirm implicated teachers confirmed they consented to engage in sexual activities with the said principal;

• SACE addressed teachers on how to conduct themselves professionally during this difficult situation;

• An investigation against officials appearing in the pictures and videos has been launched by our labour officials;

• Three educators implicated were removed from the school. The department strongly condemns personal relations between educators and learners, as it goes against the principle of the profession.

The MEC stated that according to the Educator’s Employment Act, any Educator who a) commits an act of sexual assault on a learner, student or another employee; or b) engages in a sexual relationship with a learner of the school where he or she is employed, partakes in serious misconduct and must be dismissed if he or she is found guilty.

The department encourages learners to report any form of abuse to a trusted authority or law enforcement agencies and never to listen to anybody who tells them not to tell, for fear of victimization.

  • Committee appalled by Reiger Park Secondary School principal

Parliament’s select committee on education and recreation chairperson Lungelwa Zwane said the committee is appalled by reports of sexual videos and pictures of the principal and learners allegedly engaged in sexual acts doing the rounds on the internet.

“The father figure role that is expected from a teacher has been diminished by the principal concerned and the committee is of the view that a proper investigation should be undertaken to ascertain the extent of such occurrences at the school.

“The likes of the said principal must be kept as far away from children as possible.

“While the committee acknowledges the Gauteng Department of Education’s intention to have him removed from the SACE register, it is of the view that a full investigation is warranted and learners must be encouraged to institute legal processes against this predator,” said Zwane in a statement issued by parliamentary communication services on behalf of the committee.

The chairperson said the schooling environment must at all times be pristine and promote a culture of teaching and learning, adding that it is thus unacceptable that a few predators have used their positions of power to take advantage of the youth of this country.

“A culture of co-operation between learners, teachers and parents is required to expose such unacceptable behaviour by those in positions of responsibility.

“We call on all learners to report any acts and suspicions of abuse so that perpetrators are brought to book.

“The ultimate responsibility for parents, the Department of Education and oversight bodies such as the department is to ensure the existence of an environment conducive for teaching and learning,” said Zwane. -@MthuphaFanie

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