
Metro, we’re begging you to fix these street lights!

Paula Smith writes:

I would like to voice my utter disappointment when it comes to service delivery in and around our town.

I have been logging calls to Ekurhuleni on the e-Siyakhokha website since August 1 about street lights that are out of order behind our property in Geelvink Street, Atlasville (in the vlei area).

The actual street lights in Geelvink Street also stopped working in mid-August. It has been almost three months of begging and pleading for the council to repair these lights.

I have seven reference numbers, but still no lights. This is a risk, for not only us, but the entire street.

I also escalated this matter to our ward councillor, André du Plessis, who has been constantly attempting to get the necessary assistance from the head of department (HOD).

The HOD gave an undertaking that he will personally attend to this matter. I am shocked at the lack of service delivery in our area. I know my next door neighbour has also been logging calls.

Editor’s comment: The Advertiser contacted the Ekurhuleni metro for comment but none had been received at the time of publication.

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