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Take note of these smash-and-grab hot spots

The Boksburg police are once again warning motorists about an increase in smash-and-grab incidents at several intersections, as witnessed over the last couple of months.

Drivers travelling in the vicinity of Plantation, Comet, Angelo informal settlement and Dunswart, in particular, are urged to be extra cautious as authorities have noticed that predators continue to pounce on unsuspecting motorists.

In a recent smash-and-grab incident, a female driver had her handbag stolen at about 7.30pm on May 26.

This happened when a thief smashed the front passenger window of her stationary car at the traffic light on Rondebult and Pretoria roads in Comet.

The robber dashed into the nearby bushes with the handbag.

Detectives are investigating other smash-and-grab cases.

According to Boksburg SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Cebisa Maseko, motorists are most vulnerable at night, as the majority of these incidents occur during the period between sundown and midnight.

The Boksburg SAPS has compiled a list of the areas that have become problematic in their policing precinct, with several smash-and-grabs taking place there.

  • The intersection of Comet and Rondebult roads in Plantation
  • At the traffic light on Rondebult and Pretoria roads in Comet
  • The intersection of Main Reef and Pretoria roads near the ERPM Golf Club
  • All the traffic lights along Main Reef Road between Comet and Jerusalem informal settlement
  • The intersection of Commissioner Street and Van Dyk Road

Maseko said it appears that thieves are mostly attracted to valuable items that are kept in plain sight, such as cellphones, handbags and laptops

She therefore urged drivers not to place any valuable items on car seats or inside vehicles, where they can be easily seen by would-be-thieves.

“Also, remember it is against the law to use cellphones while you’re in control of a motor vehicle. In some instances of smash-and-grab, motorists are distracted by their cellphones.

“A plan has been put into place to deal with this crime. On a regular basis, we deploy our community patrollers, along with police officers, at the traffic lights on Pretoria and Rondebult, to deal with smash-and-grab perpetrators.”

Ward 31 councillor Ashley Hoods said he is concerned with the rampant crime, including smash-and-grabs, murders and robberies, which are rocking his area.

With regard to the smash-and-grab crimes, Hoods said a request should be made for warning signs in the areas police consider to be hot spots.

He also suggested that the police management come up with strategic crime prevention tactics, including deploying plain clothes policemen in crime hot spots.

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