
Fraud, corruption, gross incompetence, blatant greed remains commonplace

Howard Skeens from Sunward Park writes,

What do we know?

Well, we know for sure that planet earth is round and not flat. We also know that the jungles of the world are major carbon sinks and we must stop destroying them (sign up and become a tree hugger!). There is irrefutable proof of these facts.

Closer to home, what do we know? Well, we know the SA economy is stagnating and will not grow by even a Mickey Mouse three per cent under current government policies.

Fraud, corruption, gross incompetence (SASSA debacle the latest) and blatant greed are commonplace.

Owing to the latter we get punished with two consecutive years of tax increases to try to make up the hemorrhaging at the fiscus and keep the gravy flowing to at least cover the bloated wage bills and wasteful expenditure (“luxury” being the prefix – luxury cars, luxury travel, luxury houses, luxury whatever).

Focusing on local government, the above has filtered down to the government cadres floating around in senior positions. It’s mind-boggling what the opposition party is unearthing now they are in charge of Johannesburg metro.

We shouldn’t be surprised – the Western Cape was also riddled with dodgy dealings the DA discovered when taking control. Why are so many government-controlled local authorities bankrupt and dysfunctional?

The above is common knowledge. Using this “special knowledge formula” can we surmise that, after 20-plus years of ANC control of Ekurhuleni, similar conditions are prevalent?

All the tell-tale signs are there: employing unqualified but connected cadres in senior positions, not following tender procedures and allocating tenders to pals, huge amounts of wasteful expenditure, crumbling infrastructure, big on entertainment.

No one gets sacked for major transgressions, merely transferred to another high-paying position to carry on messing things up.

There are many who don’t care about deforestation and pollution and we all suffer accordingly.

Similarly, there are many who don’t seem to care about the blatant destruction of our economy and environment by the ANC.

What is so sad is the ones who suffer the most from this Africa syndrome carry on voting for these no-hopers. Being blind and deaf must be a terrible affliction.

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