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The lowdown on the mega Leeuwpoort housing development

In the light of the Leeuwpoort housing development, which has raised concerns among residents, the Advertiser contacted the Ekurhuleni Metro and requested more information on the mega project.

According to metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe, the construction will create about 250 job opportunities for the 2017/2018 financial year, and this is expected to increase as the project continues.

The Leeuwpoort project consists of three integrated residential development areas – in the North (Parkdene Ext 7 and Reiger Park Ext 19) and the South, close to Sunward Park.

Leeuwpoort Developments will soon commence with the construction of more than 22000 homes in Reiger Park, Parkdene and Sunward Park. This was said by the Ekurhuleni MMC for Human Settlement Lesiba Mpya during a sod turning ceremony to mark the official start of the project, on Monday February 27.

Metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe responded as follows:

Have you set a time frame for the commencement and completion of the physical construction works?

Construction will commence once the Record of Decision (RoD) has been received from the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD), the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process is ongoing and the possible date for the RoD from GDARD is July 2017. Construction will be done over seven years with completion scheduled for 2023/24.

Residents of nearby suburbs claim they were not consulted. Has there been any consultation with the residents, especially in Parkrand, Sunward Park and Reiger Park?

Yes, and in this regard site notices were erected (at prominent points on and around the study area) on August 17, 2016. Consultation with residents was also done, through public participation meetings held in November 2016 and January 2017. Furthermore, an advertisement was placed in the Advertiser on August 26, 2016.

Apparently the project requires the rezoning of certain tracts of land. Has the rezoning been done yet?

Yes, rezoning is part of the EIA process and the township establishment. Township layouts are being finalised.

When will an economic, environmental, social and health impact assessment be carried out within the intended area of operation?

A market study was commissioned by the Land Development Code (LDC) in 2007 to prepare a comprehensive market research study. A residential market study was commissioned by the LDC in January 2016 to do a focused study on the residential market for bonded and Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP) housing. An initial Traffic Impact Assessment was done and an additional study is in progress.

Residents also want to know if you have considered the impact that such a large development will have on the existing infrastructure and basic service delivery, such as water and electricity supply, as well as other essential services, including sewage disposal, health care centres and schools.

The review and design of existing infrastructure, the design of new required infrastructure for the new proposed development as well as the upgrade of existing infrastructure is part of the design review and design work being done for bulk and link engineering designs, and this will be detailed and addressed during the detailed design phase. The review of current capacity and the required capacity of infrastructure is part of the design process.


Fears have also been raised regarding the potential for a spike in crime, since the new development will be located next to Reiger Park, with a new road linking the two areas. What’s your opinion on this issue?

The concern on crime is noted and the community safety sector will be engaged in order to fully consider the intervention to ensure safety for the community. Crime is a very subjective matter and crime occurs in all townships/suburbs. To say crime will spike because the new development is situated next to Reiger Park is unfair.

Who are the beneficiaries of these housing development projects?

Beneficiary communities include Joe Slovo, Ulana Park, Hlahane, Driefontein, Crossroads (Roodekop Ext 3), Vosloorus, Kalamazoo informal settlement and Katlehong waiting list.

How much will these housing development projects cost?

The projected cost for the metro is R2.9 billion over the projected seven years construction period. The 19 453 housing opportunities are made up of subsidised, social, FLISP, bonded and commercial housing opportunities. The estimated costs for total bulk/link services are: water and sanitation – R170 574 387, roads and storm water – R2 471 162 018, electricity and street lighting – R446 379 351 and supervision – R44 491 446.

The Advertiser will continue to update readers on this development over the construction period.


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