
School online registration beefed up following crash

The Gauteng school online registration system went offline for two days, after it crashed on its first of operation day, on April 11.

The Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi said the department has since increased the capacity of its website.

The systems crashed after the site had 600 hits per second on Monday (April 11).

Lesufi said they have done their homework.

“Work has been done on our servers and the website will now be able to handle 3 000 visitors per second,” he explained.

He added that the department has also decided to do away with the first phase of the application process, following the crash.

There were two phases; in the first parents pre-loaded their and their children’s details, and the second phase was the actual application.

The dates for the first phase have passed, and applicants can now concentrate on the actual registration.

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