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Scary tactics as burglars rip out house window in Boksburg South to gain access

Boksburg South resident Zara Barbosa Gemmell arrived home to find her house window ripped out on the afternoon of September 16.

She wants to warn other resident about this new tactic.

She said her husband was at home at around 3pm and everything was fine.

He went out again 15 minutes later.

Gemmell arrived home from work at 4.35pm and was shocked to find the window had been removed.

She then walked into the house found all the cupboards in the house opened and their items thrown out onto the floor.

“I must have disturbed the burglars, because nothing major was taken and some of the items were dropped at the window that they used to gain access,” she said.

All her son’s nappies were taken out of his room and were lying all over the floor in the main bedroom.

“We know our Play Station is gone, as well as jewellery and a bag that had some things in it.

“As time goes by we are finding more and more that’s missing, but all small things,” she said.

Gemmela added that the TV was turned off and it seems they did want it, but must have been disturbed.


“What’s strange is that there was a cellphone, leap pads, money and other valuable lying around, but none of that was taken,” she said, adding that there was blood on the glass that they broke, so the burglars must have cut themselves.

The family have opened a case with the police.

She said they are not sure how the intruders gained access to the property.

“However, our neighbour has very low walls and there were bricks stacked up, so we are assuming it was from there that they came in and that, when they left, they put a ladder against the wall and jumped over,” she added.

“We also know they left that way because of footprints.”

Burglaries still rampant in Boksburg

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