
Police’s plea to end drunken assaults in Reiger Park

In some sobering news for drunken assailants, crime reports show a surge in the number of domestic violence incidents in Reiger Park.

According to Reiger Park SAPS spokesperson Sgt Mashudu Phathela, police are seeing an increase in the number of people who are being assaulted.

“Surprisingly, in most cases the assailant is either a partner or a relative of the victim, and the attacks normally take place within the victim and attacker’s home.

“A total of 14 cases of assault, most of them domestic-related, were reported to the police during the period between September 7 and 14,” said Phathela

He added that the majority of the victims are women and that alcohol is believed to be fuelling the epidemic of violence.

In most cases the victims are kicked, slapped, stabbed, chocked, pushed or manhandled, or struck with hard objects.

“We are appealing for an end to this unruly behaviour, which is mostly meted out to women and children by male relatives,” said Phathela.

These reports are echoed by concerned residents of the area, who said the alcohol-fueled attacks have also turned some places into ”no-go zones”.

According to Phathela, the police, in partnership with community leaders, including pastors and political figures, as well as schools, are planning to hold a series of awareness campaigns on domestic violence in the township.

In a bid to transform the area into a crime-free township, the Reiger Park police are urging residents of the area to join the community structures that work hand-in-hand with the police, to rid the area of crime.

These include the CPF, Women’s Desk, Men’s Forum and the Youth Desk.

To find out about these structures, phone Phathela on 082 733 8481/ 011 916 7000.

* Police in Reiger Park arrested 39 suspects for various criminal offences during September 7 and 14.

The offenses include theft, assault GBH, possession of illegal substance, malicious damage to property, housebreaking, murder, armed robbery, possession of stolen motor vehicle, rape, dealing in liquor without a valid licence and others. -@FanieFLK

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