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Building vandalised: Boksburg’s heritage under threat

Boksburg is in danger of losing two historic properties to vandalism.

The one historic building being targeted is supposedly more than a century old and located on Pretoria Road towards the southern side of Main Reef Road. The 60-year old building on the western side of Pretoria Road, next to the East Rand Proprietary Mines Limited (ERPM) Golf Club, is the second significant building reportedly being targeted by vandals.

It is believed that thieves, metal scavengers and vandals have stripped both buildings of the roofing, door and window frames.

The Boksburg and East Rand Historical Association confirmed that the historic building on the southern side of Main Reef Road was built in 1903 and formerly used by ERPM as a recreational hall. On this property stands a war memorial with the names of soldiers who were killed in the First World War.

It is suspected that Sir Herbert Baker designed this building. According to chairperson, Tess Uren, the 112-year old building has not been declared as a heritage site but due to its age and historical importance, it qualifies for protection designation in the event of someone wanting to redevelop or tear the building down.

Uren confirmed that the buildings that are being vandalised are privately owned properties.

It is also believed that the owners previously wanted to tear down the buildings. According to Uren, the owners were stopped because they must first receive permission from authorities before any demolition of any building or structure on the properties may take place.

The association is currently working with the relevant departments including the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority Gauteng (PHRAG) to ensure that both buildings are protected and declared as national heritage sites.

However, their plans to protect the buildings have now been thwarted by vandals.

Uren said that these buildings are on the list of local properties formally identified by her association and authorities as properties that may have cultural heritage value or interest to the community.

“They have significant historical value,” Uren said. The association vows to continue to prevent the destruction of iconic buildings in Boksburg.

Ward councillor Hillary Coke is among the scores of residents who strongly condemn the vandalism of the two salient buildings.

“The law stipulates that if an owner or developer plans to alter or demolish an identified heritage resource or structure older than sixty years, they will need to apply to PHRAG for a permit. As far as I understand, the other structure on the western side of Pretoria Road, next to the ERPM Golf Club, was declared as a heritage site.

I am now doing all that I can to ensure the building is protected against vandals.”

“I have already asked community members including residents of the informal settlements and CPF structures to protect these affected buildings,” Clr Coke said.

Ward 92 councillor Ashley Rutherford is one of the concerned residents and conservationists who are worried that much of the city’s heritage is being destroyed for little benefit in return.

Rutherford said she suspects that property owners often let buildings become dilapidated in the hope of gaining government approval to demolish these historic buildings and to make way for new and more profitable structures.

“Our heritage is in danger and we have to do something about it. Apparently, the owners refuse to allow the upkeep of the buildings because the longer they can make the building look like it’s about to fall over, the more they believe they can convince authorities to allow them to demolish them,” she said.

Many residents also took to social networking sites to express their concerns and vigorously opposed the demolition of historic buildings in the city. – @FanieFLK

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