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Premiere in the spotlight due to water crisis

The DA calls on Gauteng Premier, David Makhura, to launch a commission of inquiry into factors causing the water supply crisis in large parts of the province.

During the past two weeks residents have had to endure days without water and, at times, electricity, while local municipalities, metros, Eskom and Rand Water pointedly refused to accept responsibility.

Gauteng is the largest economy in South Africa and the fourth largest in Africa.

“The so-called “perfect storm” of cable theft, blown transformers, stationary pumps and poorly maintained infrastructure, highlighted the vulnerability of Gauteng’s water and electricity supply network – without which the entire economy will grind to a standstill,” says DA

Shadow MEC of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Fred Nel MPL.

He says that the complete lack of backup systems and contingency plans increases the province’s vulnerability, and the reasons why none have been implemented nor put in place require investigation.

“The fact is, water pump stations are key installations, and require uninterrupted power supply, with functioning backup systems and kept secure from vandals and criminal elements,” he says.

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