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Possible criminal record looms for those who do not pay E-tolls

Vusi Mona, spokesperson for Sanral, says people who have received huge E-toll bills have failed to comply with the time frames stipulated in the enforcement of E-toll violations.


“We want to reiterate that when you register your vehicle and obtain an E-tag, you enjoy the benefit of a 48 per cent discount and other mark-downs based on time of day and frequent use.

“In addition, the maximum amount that you can be charged is R450 per month for an ordinary light motor vehicle.”

He says, however, when you do not have an E-tag, you do not get all these benefits and if you do not pay within the stipulated seven days, there is an additional cost incurred.

The fee collection process can be divided into three stages; the seven days grace period; the debt collection process by the Violations Processing Centre and the prosecution using the Criminal Procedure Act.

“If we take the scenario of a registered road user who has an outstanding balance of R100, his unregistered or register user without an E-tag (VLN user), would be expected to pay R192.31 because he would not have the benefit of the 48 per cent discount.

“If the road user fails to pay within the seven days grace period, the bill would escalate to R576.93, the full alternative fee which is payable if 60 days go past. However, if the road user pays 30 days after the grace period, he would get a 60 per cent discount on the R576.93, which would reduce the bill to R230.77,” he says.

Mona adds that the other scenario is that if the road user pays the bill between 30 and 60 days after the seven day grace period, then they get only a 30 per cent on the R576.92, which would reduce the bill to R403.85.

“The final step in the process is that if a road user fails to pay the R576.92, the offense will be handed over to the Prosecuting Authority and will be dealt with in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act. Failure to comply with this could result in a criminal record,” says Mona.

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  1. what a bunch of *****. i am registered i traveled to BOKSBURG only 3 times with the 50 rand that comes with my tag if i register, i did not go more than the 3 times, i paid the tolls from my 50 RAND, and still received a violation e-mail saying i ow R120. please explain to me how the f**k did you idiots get there

  2. Shaune, thats what happens when you register. They got you now, forever & ever.
    Lots of love & kisses
    Proudly E Tag Free!!!!

  3. thank you vusi ,

    we did in fact know this already

    let me tell you something that you obviously do not know , or refuse to admit

    the fact that people are NOT registering and NOT paying DESPITE all your spin should tell you something… can you work out what it is ??

  4. So we get a criminal record – puts us in the same league as our government officials.

  5. Shaune Lategan now wants to complain but he was quick to register. Dont worry Shaune, the extra billing you received was for me not registering. Serves you right.

  6. This is absolute nonsense. If I get an invoice from SANRAL proving that it is me that has gone through the gantry, I will pay with pleasure.
    I have received 2 sms’s demanding payment of R1845.62 and I do not use the toll roads.
    I have attempted on 3 occasions to contact them and still not been able to speak to anybody.
    SANRAL send me the invoices and prove that it is me.

  7. How can they prosecute motorists , if they don’t send out the bills , its upto the service provider to send out the statement and with ever bussiness practice they should be given 90 days grace in order to process the. Payment. 2ndly a tax invoice is required to claim the vat back ,how can they say that they will double the amount even tripple it when their web site is not user friendly and does not cater for the proudly non etag road users

  8. I find this ridiculous, all these rules have never been published in form what so ever, nor debated. This is a dictatorial attitude. I would like to know if in terms of the credit act these charges are permissible. I cannot pay for something I do not have an invoice for with confirmation to the fact of making use of the service. No invoice no payment no additional charges no prosecution. Stop the intimidation of the South African Road user

  9. Anybody getting a criminal record for not paying e-toll, will in my eyes be a hero and a freedom fighter.

  10. Can’t get a criminal record you d*mb ass. You can get a judgment against me for failure to pay.

    We will see you in court e-toll/Sanral. I wanna see how the systems copes with that…there is not nearly enough courts in this country.

    Do they honestly think they can add 1 000 000 people to the current back logged court system..

    ha ha ha

    This is why we should all just vote DA and get this e-toll thing scrapped!!!

  11. What a stupid confusing system this is! I will still not get an etag even with their 48% discount and I will not pay to use roads that have already been paid for by the taxes we all slave away to pay.

  12. Anyone restricting us to go from one town to another by paying extra moneys are criminals, as that is your constitutional right to be free to go from one place to another without being forced or threaten to pay this is the highest form of extortion. So please explain what about the old toll gates we are still paying on them

  13. Dear Sanral,

    Get this through your thick heads:
    We will NOT get a dompas
    We will NOT pay (again) for the roads our parents and grandparents built in the 70’s
    We will NOT allow all our money to be funnelled to some dodgy Austrian company, from which there is no possible way to audit it as it flows into private Sanral and ANC bank accounts.
    And finally:
    We will NOT be intimidated!

    Go to hell thieves


  14. If they manage to get this right – which i doubt because the VPC is not a registered debt collector in the 1st place, and secondly its not a criminal offence to not have or pay etoll bills. But if they do i wonder if I now can become member of parliament or even the president???

  15. What Michael wrote is write on the money. Why must we pay? We already get taxed on our salaries, then get taxed on our purchesses, then get taxed on fuel, Pay for the car we drive and pay a licence to have the car on the road, now suddenly pay to use the road electricity goes up and nobody questions it, food prices go up and nobody questions it,….next we’ll be paying to breath. So glad that we are finally standing together on this one….no more of this bullshit and that’s the reason why someone mentioned to vote DA. that’s exactly where this is going….full blown chaos and war in S.A and rightly so since democracy is out the door for years already.

    In a democracy, the people are sovereign—they are the highest form of political authority.

  16. The criminal procedures act, now that one takes a while, just look at the murderer Oscar Pistorius lying next to his pool.
    Do you think the court system is going to put your e-toll case on the roll because it is URGENT? LOL
    Do not pay e-tolls. Drive SCAMRAL out of business.

  17. Flip you are a truely disgusting person for judging a person on where they studied..At least they have a higher education which is more than I can say for you..

  18. This “guvment” makes laws to force people to do want they’ want you to do, to hell with them and their scumral.

  19. Dear reader, the article posted is a press release directly from Sanral and no sensationalism was added. The journalist is a respected reporter and the Boksburg Advertiser a reputable newspaper. We would appreciate that you would refrain from posting defamatory remarks. The headline has been grammatically corrected. EDITOR

  20. Dear reader, the article posted is a press release directly from Sanral and no sensationalism was added. The journalist is a respected reporter and the Boksburg Advertiser a reputable newspaper. We would appreciate that you would refrain from posting defamatory remarks. EDITOR

  21. A criminal record for not paying E tolls?
    I guess I shall have to learn to live with the shame.
    Get Phucked Sanral, Painfully and soon.

  22. I dont think you can have a criminal record or be prosecuted for not having an e tag It is criminal what SANRAL are doing by extorting money for roads that have been paid for over and over again by the Petrol levy. There was no consultation with the public regarding tolls – Im sure none of us would agree to such a thing! SANRAL you can go to hell if u think Im paying tolls. Come find me you mother f*****s

  23. If people are against e-tolls (me being one of them), it is no need to use such vulgar language. Just shows the character of such people. Just say your bit and leave the rest out for your friends and family.

  24. I think the entire committee responsible for the establishment of the e-toll system should get a criminal record, and a prison stay for corruption. You wanna sue me for R 500.00? What about the R 15 billion overspending on the highway improvement project?

  25. Vusi Mona must being paid a lot of money to say this. I have not registered, have no intention to register, and will not be using E-toll roads. Come and get me, a-holes..

  26. I have not received an invoice, but have received a violations notice that this has been handed over. What do I do now?

  27. vusi mona – take your gantries and stick them on top of Modderfontein explosives depot. the rest will take care of its self. you and your sanral can go to hell. its not warm enough for you here.

  28. How can you be done by the criminal procedure act for non payment when your already paying for the usage of the roads through road tax and fuel levy taxes (therefore paying for usage of the roads twice).
    I for one never asked for gantries to be put up let alone to be invoiced for it either, this now begs the question : if we have to pay for etolls, then where has all the money gone from road taxes and fuel taxes ??????.
    So basically jz, guess everyone is basically telling you to go f#$k yourself you beetroot eating shower loving (it’ll cleanse you of aids (you f$#@ing ignoramus)) dick.

  29. This hole scumral thing is unconstitutional but it seems that the legal system in SA is also busy falling apart.

  30. Having a criminal record means nothing in this “COWntry” Bring it on. Most of our government officials have criminal records so why should this worry us? I could be elected PRESIDENT with a criminal record. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  31. As a direct result of SANRAL switching on the gantries, the alternative routes are now more congested than ever. I am a computer programmer. My time has a price. Who is going to pay for the three hours extra I now have to spend on the road? My price to SANRAL will be R1 000 000.00 per hour. They can either pay me my ridiculous fee or they can switch off the gantries. By hijacking the highways, they are directly responsible for the time lost. I do not want them as a client. I want them to switch off their theft.

  32. By the looks of this, it seems like SANRAL is already losing the fight….. And now they are threatening the public. Such a pitty……

  33. Useless threats. ‘Possible criminal record’ ‘could result in a criminal record’ Since when is something that’s supposedly legal and enforcable so vague?

  34. To get a *criminal* record you need to have committed a *Crime* A crime (By law) requires a *Victim* When in court, you have the right to face your accuser (victim) Since there is no such a *Being* as SANRAL they can’t *present themselves so that you can face them….. They can only send re-representatives.(Lawyers) Demand to see their ID that proves them to be SANRAL. It will be an impossible request to fulfill. Re-presentation is not *presentation* No victim NO crime.

  35. How can you be expected to pay within 7 days if they have not sent you an invoice. By law you do not have to pay an account if no invoice has been given to you. How are you suppose to know what amount to pay. Also I have noticed that since the gantries have been switched on, numerous lights on the highways are switched off. Why should I pay for services I am not receiving?

  36. Anybody else heard of the little 10year old boy who got invoiced by SANRAL? Or the old fossil in rural Limpopo (I think) poor thing doesn’t even own a car and she got an invoice.

  37. Very strange – just think if they went the logical route of adding a small levy to the fuel price there will be no headaches, they will be getting their money and we will not pay luxury fees to an overseas company…

    An Vusi Mona will not have to play hard-ass with such arse over head tactics on a daily basis.

  38. ….. well here’s a new one…….. a good friend of mine has been over here in the UK for the past 2 years. He still has his Vodacom number and received a threatening SMS from SANRAL for e-Toll fees to be paid….. unbelievable…..
    My friend is now concerned he’d be getting a moerse Speeding Fine for the dates that he travelled at light-speed from JHB to London!

  39. Do not be intimidated by Vusi Mona and his ANC/Sanral criminal mafia. Do not get e-tagged. Give them nothing, nada, not one cent.

  40. Very concern Jhb resident I am using the toll roads but up to date have not received a invoice to pay for the use of our lovely and buetufully roads

  41. Before that happens I must first have the right to state my case in court . By the way it cannot be criminal law , the only thing they can do is blacklist you . They are using scaring tactics now before it was trying to bully us into this and it’s not working

  42. Another attempt by politicians to turn decent , hardworking tax paying citizens into criminals .

  43. Then so it is, I will not get an e-tag.. I wont waist my time on something I think is a load of crap and a waist of time and money.!!!

  44. Bla bla bla Vusi Moaner; I have raised my IQ and found you like to babble on and on in a desperate attempt to intimidate all of Gauteng’s motorists who are gatvol of you and Sanral already. Just shut your mouth, you inconsequential fool

  45. The last option is the best. with a criminal record, you stand a 100% chance of getting a government job. #etagfree

  46. What n lot of bulldust. I received sms’e but was not even near any of that gates, and I still received sms’e and every time the bill is higher. I really believe they are not lekker. They will not get 1cent from me. I worked very hard for my money to give it away for somebody who sits on their asses the hole day doing nothing.

  47. No way you can get BLACKLISTED unless you signed their terms and conditions which will bind you legally. SANRAL and VUSI can come and kiss my …

  48. Here we go again!!! What a copout. We have a levy on our fuel, we have VAT on our food, we have to pay tax, the electicity will no doubt be the next increase,this government cannot get it through their thick heads that the very people that voted them in are the very people they are targeting. We cannot afford to eat while Mr Zuma and his family live in the lap of luxury. Oh my goodness where is the mentality??? Now IF you vote for him he will find 6 million jobs – ok so where are the houses, etc you promised last time. F### your toll roads I will continue to drive on them I have signed nothing, you have accessed my personal information without my consent you can kiss my backside.

  49. Firstly, REQUIRE SANRAL to put the ACTUAL fee per gantry on the signs next to the gantries, NOT their best discounted amount! They must be made to stop misleading advertising practices! If they want to display the best discounted rate, they must make it available to everyone, whether e-tagged or not, whether paying within your 7 days or not. Misinformation and misleading are just of the many “crimes” that SANRAL is busy committing against the population of Gauteng. Another one is the blatant disregard for people’s time. I should not be sitting here fuming and typing in protest. I should be working so that my company can make money so that all our people can grow and prosper. Companies should not have to employ extra staff to try to reconcile e-toll bills with actual use. Business owners should not be sitting with the dilemma of what to do with excessive bills and people should not be blackmailed with “criminal records” and the such. This system is eating in on available resources and giving back WHAT? Better roads? Even that is in dispute.

  50. I will NOT be bullied or manipulated by an organisation for which I have no trust. If I get a summons I will go to court and am prepared to go to jail, despite the fact that I am a 100% law abiding citizen and mother to 2 small children. PS – if you have an invoice, legal action cannot be taken against you if your bill is in dispute, you can dispute your bill through OUTA

  51. I see Sanral as the second wall of Berlin!! I cannot afford to buy 1 bread more a month for my family due to all the idiotic TAXES we have to pay, and now I have to pay to get to work and pay to go to my family elsewhere which I can’t afford either if I have to pay E-tolls??? Go TO HELL!!!!! I have a right to use the roads. I will NEVER sign up for e-tolls. Never pay one cent more, and NEVER, like NEVERRRRRRRR give anyone my hard earn money!!! Kiss my backside Vusi Mona!!

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