Introducing the Ward 31 committee

If you live in Ward 31, which includes Overport, Musgrave, Asherville and Sydenham, reach out to Remona Mckenzie or any of the Ward 31 committee members for advice or assistance.

AT the head of the Ward 31 committee is Ward 31 councillor Remona Mckenzie who facilitates the meetings and who, as a councillor, assists residents in her ward with municipal issues. If you live in Ward 31, which includes Overport, Musgrave, Asherville and Sydenham, reach out to Remona Mckenzie or any of the Ward 31 committee members for advice or assistance.

What is a ward committee?
At local government level, the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998, requires, among others, that municipalities develop mechanisms to consult communities and community organisations in performing their functions and exercising their powers.
These structures are commonly known as ward committees, and provide a vital link between ward councillors, the community and the municipality. They allow for members of communities to influence municipal planning in a manner that best addresses their needs.
According to legislation, the first meeting of the newly elected council must take place within 14 days after the election results are gazetted.

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Why are ward committees important?
Ward committees are crucial in the local government system as they are the link between the councillor and the community.
This is because the local government is regarded as the level of government closest to the people, and ward committees are just one way to ensure that citizens give input to the decisions that local councils make.
The South African Local Government Association (SALGA), which is the sole representative of all municipalities, says ward committees are also important in fostering relations between ward councillors and key stakeholders at ward level, such as traditional councils and community-development workers.

What are the functions of ward committees?
A ward committee may make recommendations on any matter affecting its ward to the ward councillor, or through the ward councillor to the municipal council, the executive committee or support committee.

The ward committee will be regarded as the statutory structure recognised by the municipal council as its consultative body and communication channel on matters affecting the ward, including, but not limited to:

– Representing the community on the compilation and implementation of the Integrated Development Plan;

– nsuring constructive and harmonious interaction between the municipality and the community;

– ttending to all matters that affect and benefit the community;

– acting in the best interest of the community, and

– ensuring active participation of the community in the municipality’s budgetary process.

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More facts on ward committees:

Ward committees are made up of representatives of a particular ward. They are made up of members who represent various interests within the ward.

Ward committees are chaired by the ward councillor. They are meant to be an institutionalised channel of communication and interaction between communities and municipalities.

Wards give community members the opportunity to express their needs, their opinions on issues that affect their lives and to have them heard at the municipal level via the ward councillor. Wards are advisory bodies created within the sphere of civil society to assist the ward councillor in carrying out his or her mandate in the most democratic manner possible.

Ahmed Kayalsum (Musgrave) can be contacted on 083 226 7354. Photo: Nia Louw
Grace Trudy (Sydenham) can be contacted on 081 785 3596. Photo: Nia Louw
Kern Boucher (Sydenham) can be contacted on 084 211 4577. Photo: Nia Louw
Magdelena Buntting (Sydenham) can be contacted on 081 449 5286. Photo: Nia Louw
Easlyn Young (Sydenham) can be contacted on 084 242 0962. Photo: Submitted

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