Free Jomba! events at art gallery

JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience joins forces with the Durban Art Gallery to present a JOMBA! @ DAG, a free public event.

DANCE that moves away from traditional performance spaces to challenge its audience has always been of interest to contemporary dance-makers.

In the spirit of adventure and creating new ways in which to interact and engage with audiences, this year the JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience joins forces with the Durban Art Gallery to present a JOMBA! @ DAG, a free public event on Friday, 7 September at 6pm at the Gallery in Anton Lembede Road.

ALSO READ: It’s JOMBA! time again

This event brings together dance-makers and fine artists in the unique site-responsive space of DAG. In keeping with the Women’s Month DAG exhibition theme of “SHE” which has been curated by Jenny Stretton, JOMBA! @DAG features work by Durban women dance-makers Lorin Sookool, Jabu Siphika and Zinhle Nzama, Swiss choreographer and dancer Ioannis Mandafounis, Malagasy Gaby Saranouffi who partners with South Africa’s Moeketsi Koena, and films by Spain’s Aïda Colmenero Dïaz.

JOMBA! @DAG is free and there is a cash bar.


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