
Baroque 2000 breaks new ground

Baroque 2000 will perform in Mariannhill on Sunday.

BAROQUE 2000’s next concert is on Sunday, 2 April at the Church of the Monastery Mariannhill, at 11.30am.

The programme breaks new ground for the ensemble and includes Telemann’s Fantasia for solo violin, which will be played by Refiloe Olifant, and the same composer’s Concerto for four unaccompanied violins TWV 203, played by Rlitza Matcheva, Petya Koleva, Refiloe Olifant and Roberto Palma, and in ‘Conclusion’, also by Telemann, for strings, oboe and trumpet, the soloists are Maggie Deppe and Michel Schneuwly.

The main work is Bach’s secular cantata Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Yield now, troubling shadows), BWV 202. Soprano Vanessa Tait Jones is the soloist. Known as the Wedding Cantata, it may have been composed for Bach’s own to his second wife. There are also two pieces by Handel: the Concerto Grosso op 6 no 3, and the Concerto a Quattro no 2 in D.

Tickets are R150 at the door and there is free and safe parking. The Monastery tea garden will be open before and after the concert.

Contact Michel on 082 303 5241 or sursouth@iafrica.com.



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