
A question of balance

A new work by local artist Dina Cormick will be showcased at Phansi Museum.

THE public is invited to celebrate the work of well-known local sculptor, Dina Cormick at the Phansi Museum in Glenwood, Durban on Saturday, 25 February at 10am.

Dina says her initial thinking on the approach to the theme of exhibition all began in a precarious position of uncertainty – to fall or not to fall – both options being equally depressing and gloomy. Hence, in a crazy world, she elected to explore radical solutions, stretching to the outermost limits of credibility and possibility. After all, she says, the only truth is the experience of the moment, awakening to a realization that one must risk everything to find equilibrium.

As can be seen in examples of her earlier work, Dina has always been fascinated by the interplay between the possible and the impossible in art. For her she says, the most enthralling and challenging aspect of the creative process is releasing the waiting image, mysteriously concealed within the material and in this case, her chosen medium – wood.

Dina has participated in numerous group exhibitions and solo exhibitions in South Africa and abroad and has contributed to a number of collaborative printmaking portfolios, for example the Images of Human Rights Portfolio, an Artist for Human Rights project. Dina’s work and her contribution to South African art is widely represented in national publications and in published and critical writings and her artwork graces the covers of numerous journals, magazines, brochures, calendars and posters.

The exhibition will be opened by EWOK on Saturday at 10am. Refreshments will be served and entrance is free.

The exhibition closes on 18 March. Contact the director, Sharon Crampton on 031 206 2889 or admin@phansi.com.

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