Exhibition showcases Indian textiles

The public is invited to view Other Roots, a pop up exhibition of Indian Textiles at Phansi Museum.

THE Phansi Museum kicks of the year with an intimate Pop Up Exhibition of a selection of handmade embroidered and beaded textiles from Northern India, which runs until Saturday, 18 February.

Director, Sharon Crampton, said: “This private collection on loan to the Phansi Museum is about roots, who you are and where you come from. If you are South African you may have Zulu, Nguni, Sotho or Pondo roots, or your roots may reach as far back to Holland or England or a mixture of those roots. Phansi Museum illustrates that art has its roots in the world of the bantu, the ancient and the transitional.”

She said the exhibition will provide visitors with an opportunity to look at other roots – snippets of the magnificent textiles of northern India, like Gujurat, Kush, IIadak, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand.

Traditionally the textile industry in India, after agriculture, is one of the only industries that has generated immense opportunities for employment for both skilled and unskilled labour in textiles. The textile industry continues to be the second largest employment generating sector in India and offers direct employment to over 35 million people in the country.

Indian textile traditions are reputed all over the world and admired for their beauty, texture and durability. The fabrics on display depict the extraordinary dexterity and illustrate the intricacy and beauty of Indian textiles. The public is invited to view and carefully examine and scrutinise the intricate make-up of the works on display.

The museum is open daily from 9am to 4pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.

Contact Sharon Crampton for more details on admin@phansi.com or 031 206 2889.

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