
DUT hosts children’s festival

The sixth annual DUT Children’s Theatre Festival, which takes place at DUT City Campus and the Courtyard Theatre.

THE sixth annual DUT Children’s Theatre Festival, which takes place at DUT City Campus and the Courtyard Theatre from 8 to 11 September, takes a slightly different approach this year showcasing original productions written and work-shopped by drama staff and first year students and introducing the Professional Fringe with invited theatre-in-education specialists.

September is both heritage month, and the Michaelmas school holidays. With this in mind, DUT Drama has traditionally staged a theatre festival with younger audiences in mind – honouring South African stories, with a strong heritage theme and educational context.

To find out more about the programme for the festival, contact Pamela on 082 403 1707 or e-mail: pamelat@dut.ac.za or Pauline Dalais on paulined@renweb.co.za

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