Editor's note

The year 2014 served us well

It's time to take stock of the year 2014 and look to the opportunities that await in the New Year.

WHILE the sands of time for 2014 slowly run out, let us take stock of the year about to end.  It has been a year of triumphs, challenges and losses.  We have seen crippling strikes;  we have been witness to acts of corruption, cronyism and a government at war with itself. We witness an ever widening gap between the haves and the haves not; an economy that is faltering and what seems to be an increasing sense of hopelessness that there is little we can do to fix what is wrong in our society.

I believe we can.  This past year, perhaps more so than previous years, there has been a growing murmur that is slowly turning into a growl and I believe will be come a roar  – and its coming from us – ordinary, hard working citizens who believe we deserve better. This year we have seen communities and neighbourhoods come together in combined efforts to fight for what we believe is right. With raised voices we have made our concerns known to those in authority and despite months of deafening silence, I do believe those who fill leadership positions at local, provincial and national government, can no longer ignore the rising dissent.

Through community groups and policing forums we have taken the initiative to fight the scourge of crime that has filtered into our suburbs, our streets and our homes. We have formed working relationships with police and security companies and have made strides in tackling the crime and grime. We have become more aware; we are more alert; we are moving out from behind high walls and locked gates of indifference and developing a community spirit and a pride in our suburbs and neighbourhoods. It is a wonderful sight to see.

With civic minded organisations like the Save Our Berea, which has garnered increasing support since its launch, we have tackled a number of issues and revealed the flaws and weaknesses in by-laws pertaining to Land Use Management, Town Planning, Zoning among others. Through its diligence we have been able to identify absentee landlords, questionable developments, shocking zoning permissions and have fought to save the intrinsic look and feel of our Berea and surrounding suburbs.

As ordinary citizens and ratepayers we have called on SAPS, Metro Police and municipal departments to be held accountable for enforcing laws and by-laws. They are often slow to respond, but their aura of disdain and arrogance has not deterred us and I believe we will not give up our calls until we witness a change.

There is much of 2014 we will carry with us to 2015, but I believe the groundwork has been done and we will continue to build on the foundations we have set in place this past year.  Change does not happen overnight, but little by little, using the power we have as ratepayers, citizens and electorate, I believe we will be heard and change will follow.

I wish each and every one of you a bright, prosperous, safe and peaceful New Year. Let 2015 be a year where we show how much we care for one another, where kindness is shown in word and deed and where we all stand together for what we believe is the common good.

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