Generations cast dismissed en masse

After months of failed negotiations over working conditions, 16 principal actors from Generations were sent letters of dismissal today.

THE principal cast of Generations, who have been withholding their services, have each received letters of dismissal, with immediate effect today.

The cast have made a decision to examine their legal options, as a result of this latest development, and will update members of the media accordingly on their next course of action.

The cast comments: “We are saddened by this development, but remain steadfast in our goal to ensure fair working conditions for ourselves as creative professionals.”

The dismissed cast members are:

1. Anga Makubalo (MJ Dlomo)

2. Atandwa Kani (Samora Lembede)

3. Katlego Danke (Dineo Dlomo)

4. Mandla Gaduka (Selwyn ‘Choppa’ Maithufi)

5. Menzi Ngubane (Sbusiso Dlomo)

6. Nambitha Mpumlwana (Mawande Memela)

7. Patrick Shai (Patrick Tlaole )

8. Slindile Nodangala (Ruby Dikobe)

9. Sophie Ndaba (Queen Moroka)

10. Seputla Sebogodi (Kenneth Mashaba)

11. Thami Mngqolo (Senzo Dlomo)

12. Thato Molamu (Nicholas Nomvete )

13. Winnie Ntshaba (Khetiwe Buthelezi)

14. Zenande Mfenyana (Noluntu Memela)

15. Zikhona Sodlaka (Priska Nomvete)

16. Zolisa Xaluva (Jason Malinga)

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