Tyrone’s story should inspire us all

There's a lesson for all to learn in Tyrone Pillay's story this week.

Stories where individuals triumph over adversity are always inspiring. This week’s story on disabled athlete Tyrone Pillay’s preparation for the German nationals reminds us that every challenge we get in life is there to make us better people.

Tyrone says his disability is a gift from God. He has used it to inspire others and not let it define him or stand in his way of following his dreams. He has dedicated his life to making his dream come true and we salute him. It cannot always be easy, but his positive outlook, his dedication, commitment, sacrifice and hard work are proof that this young man is well on his way to realising his dreams.

Many of us can take a leaf out of his book. With the same concerted effort in everything we do, we can all build a society of winners.

We wish Tyrone every success in his endeavours and hope to see him in the South African team at the Commonwealth Games later this year.



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