College takes win at hockey challenge

Durban Girls' College was crowned the Durban Central Regional winners of the SPAR KZN Schoolgirls’ Hockey Challenge for the tenth time on Saturday.

MAINTAINING their 100 per cent record, Durban Girls’ College was crowned the Durban Central Regional winners of the SPAR KZN Schoolgirls’ Hockey Challenge for the tenth time on Saturday, 7 March.

The victorious defending champs were made to work for their success in the regional final, meeting the lioness Durban Girls’ High School team. It was the second time the two teams met each other at the regional, with the first meeting going College’s way with only a solitary goal scored by Olivia Sharratt for the host school.

Durban Girls’ High School’s defence stood solid only allowing two goals in with a barrage of attempts, led by Girls’ High’s keeper, Nkazi Cele, who commanded her troops tirelessly from the back. The first was on a back-to-back short corner, with the clock ticking past two-and-a-half minutes played. The first short corner was awarded, with a heroic charge down by Girls’ High giving College another shortie attempt. The ball got pushed to the castle and Jenna Stichelbout’s shot deflected twice before slotting neatly into the goals.

READ RELATED: Durban Girls’ College hosts hockey challenge

Their second goal went in near mid-time. Live wire, Bulelwa ‘BB’ Mzimela pierced Girls’ High School’s circle and quickly passed the ball to a perfectly placed Amanda Holmes who easily tapped the ball across the line, giving her team a two nil advantage.

Leading up to the final College defeated St Henry’s. In the second semi-final Girls’ High took on a determined Maris Stella which saw the game roll into a penalty shoot-out, which Girls’ High secured in their third round.

In the bronze game between St Henry’s and Maris Stella, St Henry’s were the first team to take a crack at the goals after 12 minutes of play. A minute later Maris Stella had their first shot on the opposite end, with their chance being halted by a diving keeper. With just over three minutes left, sharp pass found Sarah Proctor camped out mid-circle. Proctor calmly cashed in directing the pass neatly into the St Henry’s box scoring the game winning goal and securing third place for Maris Stella.

Umpire of the Day was awarded to the young Melissa Calitz from St Henry’s.

College is the second team to secure a spot at the Grand Finals. First to earn a place are newcomers Hoerskool Pionier from Northern KZN. On Sunday, Our Lady of Fatima from Durban North Regional, were the third team to gain a berth at the Grand Finals that will take place at St Mary’s DSG in July.

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