Enter bowls tournament

Durban Bowling Club will host a fundraising bowls tournament to raise funds for the elderly.

DURBAN Bowling Club will host a fun bowls tournament in aid of TAFTA (The Association for the Aged) on Wednesday, 9 August from 9am.

Bowlers from all areas are encouraged to enter the event. The format is Nominated Fours, any combination, three games of 10 ends, dress mufti.

Cost is R300 per team which includes morning tea, sandwiches and a light lunch.First prize is R1000, second prize is R800, third prize is R600 and there will be more prizes and vouchers to be won.

In honouring senior citizens, players are encouraged to also donate any new or used bed linen, cushions, blankets, duvets, duvet covers, towels, face cloths and so on, as well as any clothes or shoes which you no longer use, which will provide warmth, comfort and dignity to the elderly.

Any toiletry items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, hand creams, combs, hairbrushes and nail brushes, deodorants, talcum powders, emery boards, and much more would be most welcome.

Contact Margaret on 072 049 3131 or margie@vdlingen.net for information and to book.

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