Tee-off for the elderly

Enter Tuinsig Centre for the Aged's annual golf day and help support its 144 residents.

TUINSIG Centre for the Aged will host an annual golf day on 9 June at the Bluff National Park Golf Club.

Tee off starts at 10am and the format for the day will be 4BBB. Entry fee is R1200 per 4-ball including a goodie bag, prizes and dinner at prizegiving.

Sponsorships for the golf day in the form of prizes, goodie bag items, sponsored tees and financial donations are most welcome.

Tuinsig Centre for the Aged is a NPO organisation situated in Berea and cares for 144 residents. This old age home is not subsidised by the government and relies on income via rental, donations and fundraising.

To enter the golf day contact Celeste Vermeulen on 031 3094740, 083 775 4625 or email: vermeulen.celeste@gmail.com. All donations in cash will be issued with a section 18 A tax certificate.



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