Cricket results for Quins

Mixed bag of results for Quins cricket club this weekend.

UMBILO Harlequins Cricket Club’s second team played a 40 over a side Challenge Reserve league match against East Coast 2 on Sunday 27 November at Danville Park two. 

Quins 2 batted first setting a target of 123 runs, unfortunately being dismissed in the 29th over with 11 overs not used up. Quins were unable to prevent East Coast from surpassing the target which they did in the 34th over with three wickets remaining. 

Quins third team versed UKZN 3 in a 30 over a side division one match at Harlequins one. UKZN 3 batted first and accumulated 109 runs, being dismissed in the 28th over. Quins 3 responded exceptionally well with opening batsmen Warren Torguis top scoring with 43 runs, the other opener, Brett Williams, made 28 runs and Lloyd Watts was undefeated on 17 runs to take Quins through to a deserved victory by seven wickets in the 22nd over.

The fourth side took on Delta five in a 30 over division two match at Harlequins 2. Quins 4 managed a reasonable total of 128 runs, being dismissed in the 23rd over. Quins 4 managed to bowl Delta 5’s last batsman out with the team six runs short of tying the match in the 22nd over. 

The first team lost their Stream one Challenge League match to DHS/ Rhythm at DHSOB and the U11s youth league match did not materialise.

Umbilo Harlequins cricket club is hosting a six-a-side tournament on Saturday 17 December. The event is open to anyone interested in participating in this fun event.
Anyone who might be interested in entering a team can contact Eric Cavanagh on 082 592 5889, or individuals can pitch up at Harlequins on the day before 7.30am and they will be accommodated in the tourney. Advanced skills are not required for participation.

The club also invites anyone interested in participating in league cricket to join up as the season extends to the end of March. 
Contact Ernest on 031 467 3270 for any additional club information.

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