CCMA rules in favour of Sunfoil Dolphins

THE CCMA has ruled in favour of the Sunfoil Dolphins in the matter between former coach Lance Klusener over the non-renewal of his contract.

THE Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) has handed down its finding on former Sunfoil Dolphins head coach Lance Klusener’s referral of an alleged unfair dismissal arising out of the non-renewal of his coaching contract. The Commissioner tasked with considering Klusener’s claim dismissed it and ruled in favour of the franchise.

The franchise indicated to Klusener in February that it did not plan to renew his contract, and he left his post as coach of the professional team at the end of February, and sought to challenge the non-renewal of his contract at the CCMA.

Following the departure of Klusener the Sunfoil Dolphins franchise was coached by caretaker coaches Yashin Ebrahim and Roger Telemachus until Grant Morgan was announced as the new full-time coach in May.

In the Award, the CCMA found that Klusener had failed to discharge the onus of proving a legitimate expectation of renewal of the contract existed at the time of the non-renewal.

Furthermore, and significantly, the Commissioner agreed with the franchise’s view that in modern sport, past glories are meaningless if the team’s performance falls below expectations.

When the team failed to match the expectations of the franchise and for that matter the public and fans, any expectation Klusener may have had of renewal, would have diminished.

“It is relief to have this matter now resolved, and we can focus all our energies on the upcoming season,” said Rajesh Behari, acting CEO of the Sunfoil Dolphins.

“The squad is energised and enthusiastic, and we are encouraged by the pre-season preparations. The conclusion of the CCMA matter involving Lance Klusener now clears the way for everyone at KZN Cricket to commit all our energies into the new season,” said Behari.


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