Glenwood hammer Framesby

The Green Machine proved too strong for Framesby in a clash at the weekend.

GLENWOOD High School's Green Machine thrashed Hoërskool Framesby in an exciting match at the weekend.

Glenwood started the game at a slow pace with a lot of stop starts due to handling errors. As the half went on Glenwood started to show their skills and abilities with the first try of the game being scored by outside centre Maarten Holtzhausen, and he converted his own try to take Glenwood to a 7-0 lead.

It wasn't long before Framesby hit back with three successive converted penalties by their fullback Riaan Van Rensburg to take the score line to 9-7 in favour of Framesby. Glenwood then started to flex their muscles and show their unmatchable strength and Glenwood's lock Kevin Smit went under the poles to give an easy conversion to Maarten Holtzhausen. Glenwood led by 14 points to 9.

With a smart kicking game and running line, Glenwood managed to put Framesby under pressure, which resulted in three successive penalties all in fairly easy kicking positions for Maarten Holtzhausen, who converted all three giving Glenwood a 23 points to 9 lead at half time.

In the second half the game really opened up for the Green Machine with Glenwood finding space to run in almost everywhere on the park. The first try of the second half went to Glenwood's 8th man Marco Palvie with a clean line break and finishing off his individual effort under the poles. The try was converted by Maarten Holtzhausen, Glenwood leading 30 points to 9.

Slick movement between Glenwood's backline and forwards gave Flanker Austin Brummer an easy untouched run in for Glenwood, converted again by Maarten Holtzhausen. Glenwood stretched their lead to 37-9.

The floodgates started to open for Glenwood as they ran in another four tries, with two tries by Winger Gideon Lubbe, Inside centre JC Conradie and another for outside centre Maarten Holtzhausen. All the tries were converted by Holtzhausen, who had a great game with a 100 per cent kicking ratio, taking his personal points tally to 32 points which included two tries for himself.

The Green Machine proved too strong for Framesby, walking away victors, 65 points to 9.

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