Jake White steps down

Jake White will step down at the end of the 2014 Super Rugby Tournament.

AFTER a season with the Cell C Sharks, director of rugby, Jake White, will step down from his role.

In his first season at the helm of The Sharks, he achieved immediate results, winning the local conference and eventually ending third in 2014’s Super Rugby tournament.

White was also tasked to up skill the young coaches as well as tidy up all rugby structures across the board from our Academy all the way to our senior team. Initially it was thought this would take some time. However being allowed to concentrate on these tasks during the Absa Currie Cup has fast tracked the process and the Sharks management can happily say the Super Rugby squad is in place and its pre-season plan ready to go.

The Sharks CEO, John Smit, said: “Jake and I have known each other a long time and were very frank in our discussions regarding this Sharks opportunity back in 2013, Jake was excited to implement change as well as be involved with South Africa’s most talented squad but from the outset stated his ambition to be on the international stage again and I was all too happy to have him for however long we could. What he has achieved for us in such a short time is incredible and our staff and players have learned a huge amount.”

White said that although he was leaving Durban sooner than anticipated, he was satisfied that his short-term goals had been achieved, chiefly finishing in the top four of Super Rugby, putting coaching structures in place and aiding coaches' development.

“I was offered an exciting challenge in a great rugby city. I believe we put together some excellent structures under new chief executive John Smit, who was always supportive. I'm closing this chapter in my life as I believe it is the right time to do so. I want to thank and acknowledge The Sharks for my time spent with the team,” he said.

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