
Reach programme hones hockey skills

Riverside Hockey Club's Reach programme successfully developed the skills of youngsters with a passion for the game.

RIVERSIDE Hockey Club in Durban recently completed its second successful Reach tactical skills development programme, with approximately 120 players of mixed ability participating.

The Riverside Reach Programme, sponsored by Varsity College, this year included any Riverside youth members (aged between 12 to 15 years old) who showed interest in furthering their tactical skills who were provided with free resources and mentorship within a simulated senior team environment.

This experience is designed to help to prepare them for the possibility of playing hockey at senior level once they leave school. The Riverside Reach programme was conceptualised, developed and organised by the Riverside Hockey Club exco team.

This year’s programme saw seven Riverside squads competing over three weekends. The squads consisted of three boys’ and four girls’ teams, with approximately 20 players per squad, as well as the Inanda, Ntuzuma and KwaMashu (INK) team. The Reach teams were picked on an even-spread basis, Riverside evaluated each player from strongest to weakest and the teams were then mixed based on these rankings.

According to the club’s programme co-ordinator, Derek Field, one of the key objectives of the Reach programme is to identify promising boys and girls from the club’s U13 and U15 age groups and expose them to a very different standard and experience of hockey which they may not necessarily experience at school. “The young players who participated this year were involved in 11-a-side tactics, aiding players to realise their potential, develop patience, self-awareness, confidence and decision-making skills.

“Most importantly, the Reach Programme is designed to encourage schoolgoing players from Riverside to stay in the game beyond school, either striving to become a professional and / or international player or a social player. This is achieved by exposing them to a professionally run series which entices them to play for the right reasons – pure hockey enjoyment!” he added.

Contact the club via email at for more information about the mini (3 to 12 years old) or youth (12 to 15 years old) hockey programmes.

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