
Barking dogs a real nuisance

EDITOR - We are now writing this letter to the Berea Mail in the hope that the irresponsible tenants in Laurel Road, off Albert Dlomo Road, formerly Willowvale Road, will get the message to take care of their barking dogsBefore the lockdown, about six month?s ago, a couple moved into a property in Laurel Road bringing their big dog with them. During weekends it was the worst because the dog was left on its own to amuse itself. Now during the lockdown it has got worse with this dog and others starting up as early as 5.30 in the morning, carrying on throughout the day until 10.30 - 11.00 o?clock at night.The properties are close to each other with very small space for animals to move around in. At some premises there are as many as three large dogs.There is an elderly couple (two ladies) who have been living in Laurel Road for more than 30 years ? one is bed ridden and needs some peace and quiet time, especially over weekends. We accept with the crime possibilities being high that dogs form a part of protection but please control the dogs. There is a Metro bylaw that prohibits this nuisance and if necessary we could contact the Metro police to take care of this problem. We have tried to speak to the tenants but they become aggressive and verbally abusive.Irate TenantsGlenwood

EDITOR – We are now writing this letter to the Berea Mail in the hope that the irresponsible tenants in Laurel Road, off Albert Dlomo Road, formerly Willowvale Road, will get the message to take care of their barking dogsBefore the lockdown, about six month?s ago, a couple moved into a property in Laurel Road bringing their big dog with them. During weekends it was the worst because the dog was left on its own to amuse itself. Now during the lockdown it has got worse with this dog and others starting up as early as 5.30 in the morning, carrying on throughout the day until 10.30 – 11.00 o?clock at night.The properties are close to each other with very small space for animals to move around in. At some premises there are as many as three large dogs.There is an elderly couple (two ladies) who have been living in Laurel Road for more than 30 years ? one is bed ridden and needs some peace and quiet time, especially over weekends. We accept with the crime possibilities being high that dogs form a part of protection but please control the dogs. There is a Metro bylaw that prohibits this nuisance and if necessary we could contact the Metro police to take care of this problem. We have tried to speak to the tenants but they become aggressive and verbally abusive.Irate TenantsGlenwood

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