
How will Zuma be remembered?

Some leaders pay a lot of attention to leaving a positive legacy while the more notorious don't really bother about legacies.

EDITOR – On 30 August 2016 I wrote a letter which ended with “watch this space” regarding state capture.

The chickens have home to roost on this one and the “space” has been filled. It’s taken a full circle and more than a year but I was amazed that the analytical assumptions made were so prophetic.

The DA has accused the President of behaving like Hitler in his dying days when he knew that the end was nigh but I believe that has to be a significant difference where a man sacrificed his life for the struggle, spending the prime of it on Robben Island, to be cast in the same shadow as the most notorious dictator the world has ever witnessed.

Some leaders pay a lot of attention to leaving a positive legacy while the more notorious don’t really bother about legacies. I’m not sure as to how President Zuma will be remembered.

All that we know now is that every re-shuffle and strategic move made by the Presidency was aligned to ensuring that the trillion Rand nuclear deal is successfully accomplished.



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