Praise for suspended Glenwood doctor

Reader responds to the Berea Mail article on Dr Andrew Grunow.

EDITOR – I am responding to an article published in our local newspaper, Berea Mail, on 18 August 2017 written by one Rudy Nkgadima.

I have been a patient of Dr Andrew Grunow (AG) for some 20 years now. I have a lot to be grateful to him for as he was the practitioner that diagnosed very early that I had prostrate cancer. He referred me to an urologist, I have had the operation and am now well into the 16-month recovery period. Early diagnosis of such an extreme condition cannot be overemphasized. I mentioned this to a senior pharmacist at our local Dis-Chem who told me that he is the best analytical general practitioner that they deal with. They also have a pharmacist on hand who is able to “interpret” his awful handwriting.

Those were brave words coming from a pharmacist as Dr Grunow is very fussy about the medicines dispensed to his patients. He insists that if any pharmacist wishes to make any changes to his prescriptions, they are to make contact with him and he, and only he, will decide what is best for his patient. I know this does not rest well with a number of pharmacists and he has lodged complaints with the HPCSA on occasions when they have failed to do so.

Over many years, we as a family have enjoyed the best of service from him – no angry outbursts, hostility, or shouting and screaming as is being alleged. From our experience, and in view of the above comments, not all Doctors are the same. Should the very careful [medical] monitoring that I need be interrupted in any way, I / we reserve our rights to take any remedial action that may be necessary. One hopes that this does not turn into another Tim Noakes debacle where after long processes and deliberations, the HPCSA got nowhere with the allegations against him.

Robin Whittal


*Letter shortened – Editor

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