Disabled grants are harder to come by

"The sickly young woman that I have been helping for 22 years has been chased away from SASSA and has been too sick to go back."

EDITOR – Having helped disabled people since I was a teenager, I am a bit embarrassed that I have only recently realised what the South African Social Security Agency is doing.

When a disabled person brings them their papers from doctors, hospitals and the district surgeons, they (the office bearers of SASSA) often give them a letter (in small print) to say that their application has been unsuccessful. They add “If aggrieved return within 90 days”, and tell the person that it means that they must stay away for three months!

When I queried it I was told that they could return and request an internal reconsideration (of rejected material) mechanism. But they don’t tell the poor sickly and/or simple people that.

As a result, the sickly young woman that I have been helping for 22 years (17 in my retirement),k has been chased away from SASSA and has been too sick to go back. So she decided the only way to get a bit more money every month was to have another baby, her 4th! Isn’t it shocking that it is easier to get a baby grant than a disability one?

RN Stapersma


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