Kenneth Gardens school project needs help

Assistance is needed from the community with either stationery or funding towards the uniforms or fees.

EDITOR – Inventive Trading cc initiated the Kenneth Gardens School project in 2015/2016 and were able to assist six children with stationery and one child with all her uniforms. We would like to thank the people who assisted us then.

In 2016/2017 we thought we would only be able to assist six children again and started getting names of children in need of stationery. Thanks to the generosity of our donors from last year and some new donors this year we were able to assist 40 children.

Although we were able to assist most with all their books, we were still short of some of the writing and coloring stationery, but nonetheless the children that we were able to assist went to school with most of what they needed.

Since our interaction with the children we assisted we have discovered that most of the parent/guardians do not have the means to pay for new school uniforms thus the children are now going to school with uniforms that are a touch ill-fitting. There also seems to be a lack of funding to pay school fees and some children have been turned away from certain schools with the excuse that the schools are full and therefore the parents/guardians have had to place their children into schools they felt were below standard.

Should anyone be able to assist with either stationery or funding towards the uniforms and/or fees please don’t hesitate to contact me on 031 206 1479 or

Any cash donations toward this project will be administered by Inventive Trading cc and will not be given to the parents/guardians to spend on anything they wish to, as I believe that any donation however small must go towards the project it was donated for. I am certain that the children will be very grateful for any assistance the community is able to give.

Juanita Davis

Managing Member

Inventive Trading cc

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