
Bad response by Trump

A reader feels Trump could have responded in a hundred better ways to Meryl Streep's criticism.

EDITOR – Perhaps, some will argue, Meryl Streep shouldn’t have used the Golden Globes to call out Donald Trump for his appalling behaviour.

I disagree, but they may be right. Perhaps it wasn’t the time or place.

But it’s not even about whether she should or shouldn’t have gone that route. It’s about how a real man, a gentleman, would respond to such a speech from a world class actor and a first rate human being.

Trump could have responded in a hundred better ways, taken the high ground, brushed it off, made a joke, laughed it off, bent a knee. Hell, he could even have just said nothing.

But he didn’t. He had to open his mouth and tweet the usual low-class slime and bile with bully boy rhetoric that we’ve come to expect from him. He went about as low as one can go.

Half of America may have just voted for him but, in my book, he’s still a vindictive, nasty little man.

Mark Lowe


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