Rather late than never

A reader said she was horrified by the number of accidents she had seen, and said she wished people would drive carefully.

EDITOR – After seeing so many accidents reported on in the Berea Mail, it reminds me of something I was told when I was younger.

My father owned a breakdown service and a priest came in one day when I was there and said he had written down the six S’s which spelt death.

These were spirits, speed, stupidity, smooth tyres, sleepiness and slippery roads. With the amount of rain we’ve had at the moment, the last definitely applies.

I’ve seen so many accidents in my life and these six S’s are a recipe for disaster. Every time I pick up the Berea Mail I see accidents and wonder why people can’t just slow down and drive carefully. What does it matter if you’re 10 minutes late!

Carlene Sharp


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